12 Simple Tips to Maximize Your Productivity

Feeling unmotivated? We’ve compiled 12 simple tips designed to re-energize and inspire you to maximize your productivity. Go get ‘em!


1. Find your window of peak productivity.

For some folks, it’s first thing in the morning. For others, it’s midnight to 3:00 a.m. However you work, try planning your day around the window of time that allows you to get the most accomplished with the least amount of distraction.

2. Stop multitasking.

Although lots of people claim to thrive while doing five things at once, we’ve found that doing so ultimately decreases the quality of your work. Instead, create a list of to-dos in order of importance, and tackle them one by one.

3. Set the mood with some background music.

Whether you prefer jazz, hip-hop, or EDM — or even the cacophany of a bustling coffee shop — the soundtrack can make all the difference when it comes to sustaining your productivity. Instrumental music is most likely to keep you distraction-free.

4. Take a break.

When you feel your focus and energy start to wane, don’t throw in the towel! Just take a 5 to 10 minute break: take a walk, grab a snack, or stretch. More often than not, you’ll come back refreshed and ready to dive back in!

5. Get specific.

When we feel overwhelmed by or, worse, disregard an item on our to do list, it’s usually because it’s not specific enough. Break down your tasks into individual, actionable steps so you know exactly what it will take to get them completed.

6. Sleep.

Eight hours minimum. No excuses. Just do it and thank us later.

7. Find the right environment.

Context is everything. If you work remotely, find the workspace that’s best for you. A coffee shop or coworking space lets you work where other people are working, but a library or your desk at home are quieter, more controllable environments.

8. Batch your emails.

Does your workflow get interrupted by a constant trickle of emails? Instead of leaving your Gmail tab open all day, try checking and responding in batches every 4 or 5 hours. If you’re bold, only check your email once a day and watch the spike in your productivity.

9. Just pick three.

Don’t get cocky thinking you’re going to knock out fifteen tasks in one day. Instead, set a realistic goal and tackle the 3 most crucial items on your to do list. Best case scenario: you’ll exceed your own expectations!

10. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Incentives work! If you are lacking in productivity, build in a reward at the end of the task that’s overwhelming you. These rewards could range from a latte at the coffee shop down the block to tickets to the performance you’ve been wanting to see.

11. Eat and drink well.

An engine is only as good as its fuel. Eating well and staying hydrated is as important for work as it is for the rest of your life! That loss of motivation you always feel in the middle of the day may actually just be dehydration.

12. Just start!

If you’re struggling to get things done, don’t just sit around waiting for the inspiration. Dive in, get going, make like Nike and Just Do It. Chances are the doing of the thing will inspire you to keep going.

Want some help? Schedule a call.